Promotion Seminars/Webinars Schedules


Promotion seminars and webinars provide prospective applicants with more detailed information on the JDS Program and how to prepare application documents, while online university sessions are conducted for applicants to meet professors from accepting universities to know about graduate school courses. Seminars will be held in-person and online through the on-demand video presentations and zoom meetings/webinars below.

1.On-demand Video Presentations

  1. Overview of the JDS Programme
  2. How to prepare your application documents
  3. How to receive approval for your study leave
  4. How to prepare a research plan


Please register to attend the seminars/ webinars from the given links.

Date Time Venue Session Registration
7-Oct Mon 3PM to 4PM(Master)
4PM to 5PM(Doctoral)
Online General Q&A with JDS Staffs Register
9-Oct Wed 11AM to 12Noon(Master)
12Noon to 1PM(Doctoral)
Online Special Webinar for Ministry of Foreign Affairs Register
17-Oct Thu 3PM to 4PM(Master)
4PM to 5PM(Doctoral)
Online General Q&A with JDS Staffs Register
18-Oct Fri 3PM to 4PM
(Master & Doctoral)
Online Meet ‘ The Future You’ (only for FEMALE Applicants)
Meet current/former female JDS fellows to get inspiration for your future success with the JDS Scholarship.
19-Oct Sat 3PM to 4PM(Master)
4PM to 5PM(Doctoral)
Online Family Session(Meet current JDS fellows with their families in Japan to get to know their academic and family life. Register
21-Oct Mon 11AM to 1PM
(For Master & Doctoral)
Physical MoFAGA hall, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu (Q&A Staff) Register
22-Oct Tue 3PM to 4PM(Master)
4PM to 5PM(Doctoral)
Online Interact with Expert regarding Research Plan Register
Online webinars by university faculties
17-Oct Thu 10:30AM-11:30AM(NST)
Online Waseda University Register
18-Oct Fri 11:00AM-12:00Noon(NST)
Online Rikkyo University Register
22-Oct Tue 11:00AM-12:00Noon(NST)
Online Kyushu University Register
24-Oct Thu 11:00AM-12:00Noon(NST)
Online Ritsumeikan University Register
25-Oct Fri 11:00AM-12:00Noon(NST)
2:15PM-3:15 PM(JST)
Online Hiroshima University
(International Peace and Co-existence Program)
25-Oct Fri 12:30PM-1:30PM(NST)
Online Hiroshima University
(International Economic Development Program)
28-Oct Mon 11:00AM-12:00Noon(NST)
Online Yamaguchi University Register
28-Oct Mon 3:00PM-4:00PM(NST)
Online International University of Japan(IUJ) Register
29-Oct Tue 10:30AM-11:30AM(NST)
Online Meiji University Register