Papua New Guinea



Online application starts from 15th October to 29th November.

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The Project for Human Resource Development
Scholarship (JDS) in Papua New Guinea 2025

About JDS Project

Are You Interested in Studying in Japan?
Here We Offer a Great Program for You!

The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS), funded by the Government of Japan, is now accepting applications from government sector workers who wish to obtain a Master’s degree from Japanese Universities, starting from the 2025 academic year. The courses will be taught in English and will take two years for Fellows enrolled as Master’s students. The total number of participants from Papua New Guinea (PNG) will be 15 Master’s students per year.

JDS is designed to foster exceptional human resources capable of working to resolve various development challenges in the recipient countries in future by imparting advanced expertise to JDS Fellows through studying at Japanese universities. JDS contributes to strengthen the partnership between Japan and the recipient country by graduating a wide range of Fellows who have deep understanding about Japan.

Promotion Seminar Schedule

9:30~12:00, Friday 4 October 2024
(9:30~10:00 Registration, 10:00~12:00 PR seminar)
Conference Room, Gateway Hotel, Morea Tobo Road, 7 Mile, Port Moresby


Who is Eligible?

  1. Nationality: Applicants must be citizens of PNG.
  2. Age: Between the age of 25 and 45 as of 1 April 2025.
  3. Academic background: Bachelor’s Degree or above
  4. Work Experience: A minimum of 3 years of work experience as a full-time public servant at local ministries
  5. Target Organizations: Department of Treasury, Department of Finance, Department of Personnel Management, Department of National Planning & Monitoring, Office of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council, Internal Revenue Commission, Bank of Papua New Guinea, Climate Change & Development Authority, Department of Justice & Attorney General, Department of Foreign Affairs, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, Conservation and Environment Conservation Protection Authority.
  6. Applicants must have a strong willingness to work for the development of PNG on their return home.
  7. Must be in good health both mentally and physically.
  8. Must have proficiency in English sufficiently fluent for studying in Japan.

Who is ineligible?

  1. Should not be serving in the military.
  2. Should not be currently receiving or planning to receive a scholarship through any other foreign assistance.

Fields of study, target organizations and corresponding graduate schools

(Priority Area)
(Development Issues)
Corresponding Universities
1.Strengthening Administrative Capacity for Resilient and Sustainable Growth
1-1.Public policy

Target Organizations

  • Department of Finance
  • Department of National Planning & Monitoring
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Personnel Management
  • Office of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council
  • Bank of Papua New Guinea
  • Climate Change & Development Authority
  • Department of Justice & Attorney General
  • Internal Revenue Commission

Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR)
International University of Japan (IUJ)


Presumed Research Fields

  • Foreign policy
  • Security policy
  • Social
  • Development policy
  • Governance strengthening
  • Local administration policy
  • Economic policy
  • Industrial policy
  • Investment promotion
  • Export promotion
  • Labor policy
  • System building
  • Natural resource management, etc.

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Arts in Economics or International Development
  • Master of Arts in Public Management or Public Policy
  • Master of Arts in International Relations or Political Science

Graduate School of International Development (GSID),
Economic Nagoya University


Presumed Research Fields

  • Same as above

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Arts in International Development
1-2.Public Financial Management

Target Organizations

  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Finance
  • Internal Revenue Commission
  • Bank of Papua New Guinea
  • Office of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council

Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy (ICP)
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)


Presumed Research Fields

  • Macroeconomics
  • Fiscal and financial management
  • Public investment
  • Debt management
  • Budgeting
  • Taxation
  • Customs
  • Public procurement
  • Internal control
  • External audit, etc.

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Science in International Cooperation Policy
2.Strengthening a Free and Open International Order
2-1.International Relations

Target Organizations

  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of National Planning & Monitoring
  • Office of the Prime Minister and National Executive Council
  • Department of Justice & Attorney General
  • Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Personnel Management

Graduate School of Global Studies
Doshisha University


Presumed Research Fields

  • International order and peace
  • Security
  • International politics
  • International development and cooperation
  • Area studies, etc.

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Arts in Global Studies/ Contemporary Asian Studies

Master’s Program in Asia pacific Studies (APS)
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)


Presumed Research Fields

  • Same as above

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Science in Asia Pacific Studies
3.Advancement for Climate Change, Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies
3-1.Climate Change Countermeasures/ Environmental Policy

Target Organizations

  • Conservation and Environment Conservation and Protection Authority
  • Climate Change & Development Authority

Graduate School of Sciences and Technology,
University of Tsukuba


Presumed Research Fields

  • Global warming and climate change countermeasures
  • Environmental management
  • Waste management
  • Energy
  • Disaster prevention, etc.

Obtainable Degree

  • Master of Science in Environmental Sciences

Selection Process

2024 End of November Application deadline
Early December Math examination (Only applicants for IUJ and University of Tsukuba)
2025 January Initial Selection (Screening of Application Documents) by graduate school faculties
Mid. January English Examination (only applicants for IUJ, Doshisha and Nagoya who fail to submit a proof of English proficiency at the moment of initial application) and medical check-up for all applicants
February Second Selection (interview) by graduate school faculties
March Third selection (interview) by the JDS operating committee members
Announcement of the final successful candidates
July Pre-departure orientation in Port Moresby and departure for Japan
August Post-arrival orientation in Tokyo
October Enrolment at Graduate School in Japan

List of universities

(Target Priority Area)
Component (Development Issues) /
Corresponding Universities
Strengthening Administrative Capacity
for Resilient and Sustainable Growth
Public Policy


Public Financial Management


Strengthening a Free and
Open International Order
International Relations


Advancement for Climate Change,
Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies
Climate Change Countermeasures/ Environmental Policy


How to Apply

  • Submit Application documents to JDS Project Office

    Application documents may be downloaded from the link provided below. Please ensure that the application is printed out in A4 size paper. Please refer to the Application Guidelines during completion and ensure submission of a full set of application documents. Applications should be submitted online and the requested hardcopies to be delivered in person to the JDS project office in Port Moresby.

    The online application deadline is by 23:59 on Friday, 29 November, 2024.

    Please submit the original hard copies of the reference form, a certified copy of your Bachelor’s degree, and a certified copy of your official transcript to the JDS Project Office; Car Park Shop, Gateway Hotel, Morea Tobo, 7 Mile, Port Moresby, 1121, PNG by 16:00 on Friday, 29 November, 2024.

    Application documents will not be returned for any reason. Late submission and/or incomplete application documents will NOT be accepted.

  • Online application

    Access the online application system from the JDS PNG Official Website ( and submit the application documents online before 23:59 on Friday, 29 November 2024.

A. Application Guidelines

  1. Application Guidelines download: PDF

B. Application Documents

  1. Application form(Online)
  2. Reference form from employer
    download: Word PDF
  3. Certified copy of your “Bachelor/Certificate of degree
  4. Original or certified copy of your “Official Transcript (University-level)
  5. Colored photocopy of your ID document
  6. Certificate of English Proficiency from University (for IUJ only)
  7. English Language Test Score (for Doshisha and Nagoya only) if available

How to Prepare Your Research Plan

Before you begin writing your research plan, you are advised to carefully review the ‘Graduate School Information‘ section to make sure that the graduate school of your choice offers an appropriate curriculum and has faculty members relevant to your research plan. You can obtain more information by visiting the websites of individual graduate schools or by visiting the JDS Project Office.

NOTE: Your research plan should be consistent with one of the aforementioned ‘Sub-Program’ (Target Priority Area) and ‘Component’ (development issues), should be a program offered by the graduate school of your application and correspond to the overall objectives of the organization to which you belong. For more information, please refer to the Application Guidelines.

How to Prepare for Math Exam

(International University of Japan and University of Tsukuba only)
Math Examination Date: Early-December, 2024

The duration of the math examination is approximately 60 minutes and consists of basic math: arithmetic operations, solving fractions, equations, inequalities, matrixes, basic quadratic functions, basic operations of exponential and logarithmic functions, basic integral and differentiation, etc.

Exam scores will be used for reference purposes during initial selection by the accepting universities. Please prepare yourself for the exams!

You can download the previous year’s exam paper from the following links:
Past math test

Frequently Asked Questions

If you need further information or wish to make an inquiry, please contact our JDS Project Office in PNG (Tel: +675-7191-5631 / +675-8129-2313).

  • Qualifications

    Q. Who is eligible to apply to JDS Program?
    A. Regarding the eligibility, please refer to page 5 of Application Guidelines.
    Q. Do I need to take English and Math examinations?
    A. Math exam is required only for those applying for IUJ and University of Tsukuba. On the other hand, applicants for IUJ, Doshisha and Nagoya must take English exam if they failed to submit a proof of English proficiency at the initial application. The level of the questions in the math exam will be similar to what you learned in junior-high and high school.
    Q. How about GPA score?
    A. We do not have any borderline for GPA score.
    Q. I am a Master’s Degree holder. Can I apply?
    A. Yes, you may apply unless you obtained your Master’s degree funded through other foreign assistance.
    Q. I have received a scholarship from another country. Can I apply to JDS?
    A. No. If you have ever received (or planning to receive) another scholarship through other foreign assistance, you are NOT eligible to apply. Similarly, if you have already obtained your Master’s degree with funding from other foreign assistance, you are also NOT eligible to apply.
    Q. I don’t speak Japanese. Can I apply to JDS?
    A. Yes, you can. In the Japanese Universities selected for JDS Program, all courses are taught in English.
    Q. Does JDS Program fund me for PhD course as well?
    A. No, there’s no funding available for PhD at JDS Pacific.
  • Applications

    Q. I graduated from 2 universities, which university degree should I submit?
    A. You should submit the certified copies of the degrees from both universities in that case.
    Q. My University does not give my official transcript directly to me. What should I do?
    A. Please ask your university to send the transcript directly to our JDS Office. You also need to let us know that the transcript will be sent to our JDS Office later on.
    Q. How do I prepare the research plan?
    A. Please carefully read the instructions written in the Guidelines as well as the instructions written in the Form of a Research Plan. JDS staff members will also guide you on how to prepare the research plan upon your request.
    Q. I only have diploma. Am I eligible to apply?
    A. No. You must possess at least a university degree in order to apply.
    Q. How do I know if I passed the process of document screening or not? Can I call JDS Office and ask?
    A. All applicants, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be informed by JDS Office at the designated time. Any inquiries by applicants regarding the selection results are NOT permitted.
    Q. Can I have my application documents back if I do not pass the selection?
    A. No. all application documents will not be returned.
    Q. I am planning to apply for another scholarship. Can I apply for both scholarships?
    A. No. This is grant aid’s scholarship. You can’t apply for several scholarships. You have to choose one scholarship only.
  • Life in Japan

    Q. If I were selected for JDS Scholarship Program, what allowance will I receive?
    A. As to the allowance you will receive in Japan, please refer to page 10-11 of Application Guidelines.
    Q. Is it okay to bring my dependents and stay with them in Japan?
    A. Yes, you can invite your dependents (spouse / children) to Japan at your own expense. However, it is recommended to do so after enrolment at the university and after three months of your arrival in Japan.
    Q. Can I work in Japan?
    A. In general, you are not allowed to have any paid job for living. However, jobs as a teaching/research assistant which are provided by your Accepting University, cooperation with university events (as a guest speaker…etc), a tutor or paid internships are exceptionally allowed.
    Q. Can I drive automobiles in Japan?
    A. No, you are not permitted to drive cars or motorcycles.
    Q. Can I stay in Japan after the completion of Master’s program in order to continue my education or be employed in Japan?
    A. No, you cannot. You MUST return to PNG after obtaining Master’s degree through JDS Scholarship Program.
    Q. Can I come back to PNG or travel overseas for short-term while I am staying in Japan?
    A. Yes, you may come back to PNG at your own expense and must ensure that it doesn’t impact your academic work negatively. If you travel overseas for any reason other than thesis research purpose, your scholarship will be suspended from the day of departure from Japan until the day of return in case of private travel. The scholarship will be paid up to 60 days in the case of the thesis research.
    Q. Please tell me about university support system.
    A. It depends on the university you choose to enroll in. Normally, teaching assistant/s and tutor/s will support your studies and academic life.


JDS Project Office in PNG

Address: Car Park Shop, Gateway Hotel, Morea Tobo Road, 7 Mile, Port Moresby,1121, PNG

Tel: +675-7191-5631 / +675-8129-2313


Office Hours: Mon to Fri 8:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 16:00
